Wellbeing in the workplace
Support your staff and volunteers to not only live happy and healthier lives but create a more productive and enriching environment for them to work in with an employee wellness session.
Why is it important?
The latest official data shows that 32.5 million working days were lost to work-related ill health in 2019/20, with stress, anxiety and depression accounting for almost 18 million of these. Source CIPD
Employers have a fundamental duty of care for the health, safety and welfare of their workers. However, our research shows that despite more organisations stepping up their efforts, half still don’t have a formal wellbeing strategy.
A focus on employee health and wellbeing should be a core element of any HR strategy and central to the way an organisation operates. It should not simply consist of one-off initiatives but be based on employee need.
As well as benefiting employees, an integrated approach to wellbeing can increase employee engagement, fostering a joint commitment to organisational success. Source CIPD
Sick days at work hit highest level for 10 years – BBC News
Option 1: 2-hour workshop
A two-hour workshop that includes Pilates/yoga, breathwork and guided relaxation.
Option 2: 2-hour workshop and development of a formal wellbeing strategy
Complete the form below to get in touch and discuss your organisations wellbeing needs: